
The Problem

The political polarisation of climate change in public opinion, media and party policy has become the single greatest obstacle to building broad-based support for mitigation and the transition to a low-carbon economy. The issue has become overidentified with left wing communicators and values and there is a relative absence of narratives that can appeal to centre-right concerns and values.

The Opportunity

There is a major opportunity, applying the latest learning about climate change communications, to redefine climate change as a core issue for people of conservative values and to design and promote new narratives that can be applied by centre-right communicators.

Our Approach

The CCC Exchange will act as a network between climate communicators, researchers and conservatives. Headed by Climate Outreach, a non-partisan Oxford based climate communications charity, we will work to support high profile conservative communicators. We will also encourage partnerships amongst centre-right partners to create an international network of partner research organisations and think-tanks to exchange findings and enable parallel initiatives at a national level. We have already identified partners in the USA, Canada, Australia and Ireland.

We also aim to work directly with senior conservative climate change advocates to provide them with global media and high-status speaking engagements. It will provide the structure within which they can work together, share experience and promote a conservative narrative. This work is set to lead towards an international summit between high-level conservatives in a confidential and supportive environment.